Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sonic Lecture 4 - A Boom Bap Continuum (Laurent Fintoni) - Sunday 22nd January 2012

Laurent Fintoni's's Sonic Lecture is entitled A Boom Bap Continuum and looks at the evolution and mutation of hip hop's 'boom bap' sound aesthetic from 1999 to 2009 and beyond. Exploring the sound's early mutations in the 2000s via the work of people like Dabrye, Machinedrum, Prefuse 73 and El-P through to the work of people like Flying Lotus, Hudson Mohawke, Ras G and Mike Slott. Using a chronological backbone, music selection and newly sourced input from some of the early pioneers, the lecture will show how terms like trip hop, glitch hop, IDM and later wonky were ultimately often attempts at pigeon-holing boom bap's mutations into more comfortable boxes and how its sonic evolution was influenced from the soul and funk of the 70s to electronic music, rave and video games which led to its revival and continued popularity. As Laurent says: "A Boom Bap Continuum seeks to trace what I see as the fascinating evolution of hip hop's most enduring sonic aesthetic and how it was influenced by technological evolution, cultural and geographical mutations as well as hip hop's original ethos of 'do what you want with what you have." (Laurent's website)

Please RSVP to david@centrumberlin.com. Lecture starts at 7pm, please arrive by 6.45pm.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Callum Cooper: The Constant and the Flux January 4 - 7 2012 - live video performance Finissage and Screening: Saturday 7 January 19.00

Callum Cooper: The Constant and the Flux January 4 - 7 2012 - live video performance
Finissage and Screening: Saturday 7 January 19.00

Between Wednesday 4 and Saturday 7 January Callum Cooper will develop a video performance at different sites in Berlin culminating in a screening at Centrum on the 7th January.
Places and times of the performance will be available on the website and blog.

Callum Cooper is an artist filmmaker who is interested in the production of film, he has used camcorder's and iPhone's as filmmaking tools. For this project he has created a particular structure with attached cameras and invites members of the public to take part, making spontaneous films with the process firmly at the centre of the outcome.

Curated by Carmen Billows in collaboration with Centrum

Times and meeting places for performance / Zeiten und Treffpunkte für die Performances:

11 Uhr Tempelhof Flughafen (close by to / nahe St. Thomas Kirchhof)
14 Uhr Görlitzer Park (close by to / nahe dem Spreewaldplatz)
15 Uhr Schlesischer Busch (next to the Watch Tower / nahe dem Wachturm)

11 Uhr Arconer Platz
12 Uhr Mauerpark
14 Uhr Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer (on Bernauer Straße)
15.30 Uhr Bodemuseum (nahe / next to Monbijoustraße)

11 Uhr Bundeskanzleramt
12 Uhr Haus der Kulturen der Welt (auf Dachterrasse / on roof top terrace)
14 Uhr Holocaust Mahnmal
15.30 Uhr Sony Centre (Potzdamer Platz)

13 Uhr Alexander Platz (close by the TV Tower / nahe des Fernsehturms)
15 Uhr Centrum
19 Uhr Finnissage at Centrum (Performance, film presentation and Installation)

For details on the locations please contact / Für weitere Informationen zu den Orten der Performance wendet euch bitte an Carmen Billows: 0176 64 043 043

David Rhodes Installation and Finissage