Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Centrum Sonic Lecture 1: Ancient Futurism (DJ Zhao, Sun 23rd Oct)

Centrum's first Sonic Lecturer, DJ Zhao, took the audience through an exhilerating audio essay higlighting ancestral sounds apparent in today's contemporary music, covering: the talking drum, ancient monasteries built for ongoing sound orchestras, overtones, Java gamelan, body manipulation to suit instrument use, 'world music my ass', african 'blues', indian ragas and plenty more.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Centrum Salon: Open Frame

Each artist presented something, for 10 minutes. With Inder Salim, Silke Kästner, Una Quigley, Stefan, Kathrin Heist, Marie, Lizza, Joanna Severs, Kate Squires, Jamie and some late visitors

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Inder Salim Residency: Kashmir Points Charlie: days 2 and 3 October 2011

Inder Salim and Silke Kästner have been collaborating with artists at Centrum and around Berlin on the second phase of their project KASHMIR POINTS CHARLIE. The project aims to develop a dialogue between artists and create a chain reaction of art making. Of particular interest to Inder and Silke is exploring the potential of the city as a studio. During Inder's residency, artists are invited to join them to experiment, discuss, perform, make or react to in any way to each other's ideas. This is the second part of the ongoing project which was started in Sarai.

Around Berlin: by the canal at Graefestraße; Wassertorstrasse; Museun Dahlem

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Centrum Sonic Lecture 1: Ancient Futurism (DJ Zhao, Sun 23rd Oct)

The first in a series of Sonic Lectures takes place at Centrum (Reuterstr 8, Berlin 12053) this Sunday (23rd October 2011), starting at 7pm. Entitled Ancient Futurism, the lecture is by ehnomusicologist DJ Zhao. He plans to explore the many connections and continuities between pre-modern ancestral sound traditions and some of the most innovative of contemporary musical movements.

"From limited available evidence we will draw interrelated lines which form pictures of undeniable genealogy, which includes both advancement and deterioration, and further challenge outdated yet persisting notions of progress and today's common and severely distorted views of world cultures".

(If you're planning to attend, could you click on this facebook event to say so - as we'd like to monitor the likely audience numbers...might need some extra chairs!)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Frietagsmittagsessen 14 October 2011

Inder Salim and Silke Kästner made artists lunch of Kashmiri dishes for 16 people. Inder gave a short explanation of the dishes and made a performance after the main course. Following dessert, Silke gave a presentation about her work in Sarai.

Inder Salim Residency: Kashmir Points Charlie October 2011