Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Kate Squires and Claire Waffel residency (August 31 –September 25 2011)

In the second dual residency here at Centrum, Claire Waffel and Kate Squires will share the Centrum main space and project room. Although working with different processes and approaches, their practice often overlaps thematically. During the residency they will both work with 2D shapes to create forms with multiple elements or narratives. Over their stay they hope to develop a dialogue around their own work and with other artists through events at Centrum.

Claire Waffel works with film, photography and drawing to develop installations and projects. The central themes in her work are memory and time and she examines the potential of different media to represent these. She often explores historic references, unearthing comparable time structures in people or places.

Kate Squires makes objects and installations that, like theatrical props, imply multiple fictional narratives or situations. Using roofing paper, sheet steel, plywood and found items she makes objects that are often between 2D and 3D, like film sets or ‘pop-up’ books. By playing with dimensions, pictorial and architectural space, figuration and abstraction, she depicts or confuses the space between reality and non-reality.

Events and opening times:

Samstags-Mittagessen 14.00 September 3 Samstag–our regular artists lunch starts up again –each sitter donates 4 euros for a lunch of main, starter and dessert. Booking is essential info@centrumberlin.com.

Centrum Salon -WAHL HABEN - Projekträume in Berlin September 18 Sonntag –in support of the action, Centrum will be open from 14.00 -18.00, Salon starts at 19.00 -the first Centrum Salon –in which current residency artists invite other artists to talk about their work.

Finissage 19.00 September 23 –join us to celebrate the residency and to see what the artists have made.

Opening times:

Centrum will be open during the residency every Wednesday from 11.00 -13.00 and 14.00- 18.00, or by appointment info@centrumberlin.com -please come and visit

Monday, August 29, 2011

Bill Leslie - LIDO Leonards-on-Sea (3rd Sept 2011)

Former Centrum resident Bill Leslie has his film Images of Wonder is being screened at LIDO in St Leonards-on-Sea on Saturday 3rd September 2011 as part of The Overbearing Mother a temporary sculpture on the east platform of the former St. Leonards Bathing Pool site, beside the beach in front of LIDO.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sonic Lectures at Centrum

Centrum is inviting submissions from music aficionados
interested in leading an event at Centrum over the coming year. Called Sonic Lectures, they will take place on Sundays (most likely monthly). The idea is that we listen to a selection of music that broadens our understanding of music and its context.

We are looking for contributions from individuals who are interested in telling the story of a particular area of music. The ‘lecture’ would be in the form of a collection of music played (DJed if you will) but the theme of each event will be set in advance (through our promotion) and at the event through hand-outs or projected information about the theme and each track.

For those interested please email david at centrumberlin dot com and I'll send further details together with a template for a short submission. Events are planned from September 2011 till August 2012 and all will be represented as part of the SL podcast series.